Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash


Abraham Agu
2 min readMay 5, 2020


Such a hard statement for such a time like this! I’m sorry I don’t intend to come off too blunt.

It’s been like the most precarious times for most businesses, regardless of which side of the globe it’s domiciled.

The world is definitely facing a tough time. At some axis and regions, there may have palliative measures to rescue as much as can be rescued.

One thing is glaring, the business or individual that will survive the times, will first be the business that has resolved that come what may, we’re not gonna sink. Survival is first internal before it’s external.

A drowning man who has not agreed with himself not to drown, will surely be drown. No degree of help or palliative can help such a man.

This is no motivational talk, it’s rather a wake up call.

It’s time to resolve with your team that no matter what, we’re coming out of these strong, and we’ll not drown.

Don’t say that as to hype yourself, but let it rather come as a strong resolve from within. When this comes from within, that’s when you’ll start asking yourself pertinent questions, and making strong but necessary moves to make your internal resolve come through.

#digital #postcovid #globalbusiness #local #localbusinesses #localseo



Abraham Agu

Writer |author | Entrepreneur. I talk writing, digital marketing, Real estate and business. Tweet @realabrahamagu